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Aimee Mah

Take a Closer Look is a series of photographs that explore the use of a small amount of light and a long exposure time to create abstract forms. Viewers might experience the phenomenon of pareidolia, in which individuals find familiar images such as faces within ambiguous visuals. The objects in these photos are pieces of paper towel laid out in different ways. This material is like a blank canvas, and it can easily be moulded. These images are like a series of photographic sculptures because creating them requires moving the camera around while shooting. Since there is barely any light in the room while capturing the images, there is a sand-like appearance to them, which allows people to perceive more shapes within the grainy clusters. Each image changes depending on where the camera is held and how long it’s in one position, making the hand more important than the eye.


Aimee Mah is a Victoria based visual artist working with a variety of media such as photography, video, and extended media. She is currently a student at the University of Victoria majoring in the Visual Arts program and minoring in Business. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions at the Youth Sooke Fine Arts Show in Sooke from 2017 – 2019, and she was the recipient of the Sooke Fine Arts Society 2017 and 2018 Youth Art People’s Choice Award. In 2019, Aimee was awarded with the Sooke Fine Arts Society Scholarship for the portfolio of work that she produced throughout high school. While she is currently focused on using media in the digital realm, she began creating art and is comfortable with using other media such as pencil and paint. Aimee works with a variety of subject matter, from semi-realistic portraits made of pencil to abstract photographs.

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